


渕上舞 (Mai Fuchigami)

人芝居 (2022)

Translated on 09/09/2022



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渕上舞 (Mai Fuchigami)

Class Class 傍観 傍観
looking on; standing by and watching
降参 降参
1. surrender 2. being defeated (e.g. by a problem); giving up
共犯者 共犯者
accomplice; henchman

Class class boukan ka kousan ka kyouhansha

Class Class
thou; you​ (Archaism)

Class class nanji erabina

Class Class Will you look on, or surrender? Accomplice.
Class Class You choose

堂々 堂々
magnificent; grand; impressive
負犬 弱者
weak person; the weak
群れ 群れ
group; crowd; flock; herd

Doudou jyakusha no mure

どうどう ちゃんと並べ

Doudou chanto narabe

A crowd of the impressive weak.
Stamping on the ground in line.

とうとう ランクは最低

Toutou ranku wa saitei

悲しいかな 正しいかは不明

Kanashii kana tadashii ka wa fumei

At the end, they get the lowest rank.
Aren't you sad? Not sure if it's correct.


Tada suteppu o fume

dance **Doesn't mean dance in this sentence
mud; slush; (wet) dirt; mire​

ship; boat; watercraft

Youkoso doro no fune

Just take a step forward,
And you'll arrive. Welcome to the ship of mud.

乱痴気騒ぎ 乱痴気騒ぎ
boisterous merrymaking; racket; spree​
真只中 真只中
right in the midst of; right at the height of​ **Irregular okurigana usage

Ranchikisawagi no mattadanaka ja

pebble; small stone **Sang グー (Rock)

crab **Sang チョキ (Scissors)

leaf; blade (of grass) **Sang パー (Paper)

Guu choki paa nante yakunitatanaiwa

Rock Paper Scissors is not useful,
in the middle of boisterous merrymaking.

品行方正 品行方正
irreproachable conduct; good conduct; high morals​
劣等生 劣等生
poor student

Hinkou houseina rettousei de douse

fox (esp. the red fox, Vulpes vulpes)​
化け 化け
transforming oneself; taking on another form
の皮 剥がれる 剥がれる
to come unstuck from; to peel off; to come off​

Kitsune bakenokawa hagareru yona

This high morals​ but low grade student,
will make your camouflaged fox's skin peel off.

もういいかい いいわ

Mou iikai iiwa

Are we done now? It's enough.

猿芝居 猿芝居
1. monkey show 2. bad acting; overacting; unconvincing performance
やめなやめな やめなって

Sarushibai yamena yamena yamenatte

弔え 弔う
1. to mourn for; to grieve for 2. to hold a memorial service for

葬列 葬列
funeral procession

Zou tomurae ari no souretsu

Stop your monkey show. Stop it. I said stop.
Let an elephant grieve for an ant funeral.

狸寝入 狸寝入
feigning sleep
やめなやめな やめなって

Tanuki nei yamena yamena yamenatte

行儀良く 行儀良く
behave well

Gyougi yoku mou kizutsuite nankayanna

Stop pretending to sleep. Stop it. I said stop.
Behave better and stop acting like you're hurt anymore.

Class Class 傍観 傍観
looking on; standing by and watching
降参 降参
1. surrender 2. being defeated (e.g. by a problem); giving up
共犯者 共犯者
accomplice; henchman

Class class boukan ka kousan ka kyouhansha

Class Class
thou; you​ (Archaism)

Class class nanji erabina

Class Class Will you look on, or surrender? Accomplice.
Class Class You choose

rabbit; hare

tortoise; turtle

Dare mo ga saborenai marason usagi to kame ga mata arasou

一矢報いて 一矢報いる
to retaliate; to return a blow; to strike back at; to retort
鼻明かそう 明かす
to outwit; to get the better of; to overcome a superior opponent and leave him speechless​
って 躍起 躍起
desperate; frantic; excited; worked up
だか 自棄 自棄
desperation; despair; self-abandonment

Isshi mukuite hana akasoutte yakkida ka yake da ka

A marathon that no one can slack off. A rabbit and a turtle fight again.
By saying that you will get me back, you just got worked up or got despaired?

億劫 億劫
troublesome; bothersome; tiresome; annoying
だヘイター 僕ら選ばれ乗り込む 方舟 方舟
ark (i.e. Noah's)

Okkuuda heitaa bokura erabare norikomu hakobune

It's so troublesome, hater. We were selected to ride the same ark.

party; banquet; feast
真只中 真只中
right in the midst of; right at the height of​ **Irregular okurigana usage

Oodiеnsu en no mattadanaka

正論で 豚れて 打つ
1. to hit; to strike 2. to deliver (a speech)
も 余裕で痛いわ

Seiron de butarеte mo yoyuu de itaiwa

Right in the midst of audiences,
getting hit by a fair argument hurts so good.

虎視眈々 虎視眈々
vigilantly (watching for an opportunity); eagerly; with an eagle eye
だ あんたが何だって

Koshitantanda anta ga nani datte


Konna inonaka de oboreru mon ka

I have an eagle eye, what did you say, again?
I'll never ever drown under a water well like that.

もういいじゃん いいわ

Mou ii jan iiwa

That's enough. I'm done.

猿芝居 猿芝居
1. monkey show 2. bad acting; overacting; unconvincing performance
やめたやめた やめたんです

Sarushibai yameta yameta yametan desu

猫噛まん 窮鼠 窮鼠
cornered animal

Neko kaman kyuuso ga gyouretsu

I stopped the monkey show. I stopped it.
Cornered rats are in the queue for chewing a cat.

狸寝入 狸寝入
feigning sleep
やめたやめた やめたんです

Tanuki nei yameta yameta yametan desu

どうでもいい 烏合の衆 烏合
disorderly crowd; mob; rabble

Dou demo ii ugou no shuu nara mazannai

I stopped that feigning sleep. I already stopped.
Whatever. If it's just a disorderly crowd, I'm not gonna join.

皆 陰々な キーキー鳴いて嫌

mina ininna kii kii naite iya

見な 言いな 聞きなって今

mina iina kikinatte ima

Everyone, desolately screams, I hate that.
Now, don't look. Don't say. Don't listen.

そして僕ら 図る 図る
to plan; to attempt; to plot
計る 計る
1. to measure; to survey 2. to conjecture; to infer; to surmise
謀る 謀る
to scheme; to aim for; to strive for; to work towards

Soshite bokura hakaru hakaru hakaru

ああ 天辺 天辺
top; summit; apex; peak
まで 狙い定め 狙い定め
to take aim (at); to set one's sights (on)

Aa teppen made nerai sadame

And we plan, measure, and scheme.
Ahh... we aim at the summit.

そして僕ら 放て 放つ
to fire (gun, arrow, questions, etc.); to shoot; to hit (e.g. baseball)
放て 放つ
to fire (gun, arrow, questions, etc.); to shoot; to hit (e.g. baseball)
放て 放つ
to fire (gun, arrow, questions, etc.); to shoot; to hit (e.g. baseball)

Soshite bokura hanate hanate hanate

さあ 想定外の 一撃 一撃
blow; hit; stroke
一撃 一撃
blow; hit; stroke

Saa souteigai no ichigeki o ichigeki o!

And we'll fire, fire, and fire.
Well now, take this blow you'd never imagined.

猿芝居 猿芝居
1. monkey show 2. bad acting; overacting; unconvincing performance
やめなやめな やめなって

Sarushibai yamena yamena yamenatte

弔え 弔う
1. to mourn for; to grieve for 2. to hold a memorial service for

葬列 葬列
funeral procession

Zou tomurae ari no souretsu

Stop your monkey show. Stop it. I said stop.
Let an elephant grieve for an ant funeral.

狸寝入 狸寝入
feigning sleep
やめなやめな やめなって

Tanuki nei yamena yamena yamenatte

行儀良く 行儀良く
behave well

Gyougi yoku mou kizutsuite nankayanna

Stop pretending to sleep. Stop it. I said stop.
Behave better and stop acting like you're hurt anymore.

Class Class 傍観 傍観
looking on; standing by and watching
降参 降参
1. surrender 2. being defeated (e.g. by a problem); giving up
共犯者 共犯者
accomplice; henchman

Class class boukan ka kousan ka kyouhansha

Class Class
thou; you​ (Archaism)

Class class nanji erabina

Class Class Will you look on, or surrender? Accomplice.
Class Class You choose

Lyrics: j-lyric.net
Translated By: elvinXCs
For any further translation usage, please give me a credit by linking back to this page.

Translated by: elvinXCs
For any translation usage, please give me a credit by linking back to this page.

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人芝居 (2022)

Translated on 09/09/2022



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